Harte Trail Gives Away 300 Trees

Rising to the Million Tree Challenge


Thanks again Telpay & TreeCanada for the donation of these trees, we gave away over 300 in less than 3 hours. More info on their efforts towards the One Million Tree Challenge here.

As our typical semi-annual tree plants draw an abundance of community volunteers we decided against the Spring event, instead giving away trees for the community to enjoy on their own property.


A big part of our strategy is giving back to the community, but also awareness of our group is monumental to accomplish that task and to continue our efforts to maintain our Harte Trail.

We were thrilled to hear a lot of community members got the chance to finally hear about us, soon to be new members of the Harte Trail. More info here on becoming a member.

As a member, your donation goes towards future events, tree plants, trail maintenance and all the money goes right back into the Trail.

Stay tuned for our next Tree Giveaway!

Volunteers hold tree giveaway (Free Press)

City of Winnipeg ReLeaf Program

How to register your new tree for the Million Tree Challenge
